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Photo of the Monarchy Butterfly; When mouseovered shown is a photo of the forest is shown Partial photo of the a mountains in Idaho Partial photo of the a mountains in Idaho Partial photo of the a mountains in Idaho
Partial photo of a reflection of forest area Photo of a place in the district; When mouseovered shown is more reflections of mountain area Partial photo of a reflection of forest area Photo of a young moose; When mouseovered shown is reflections of mountain area
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Simpson Votes Against Stimulus Package
- Washington, D.C.  -  Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted against H.R. 1, the $819 billion stimulus package, today. The bill passed by a vote of 244-188.

H.R. 1 will launch the United States into the largest deficit we have ever seen, tipping at $1.4 trillion. "A trillion dollars is hard for most people to grasp," ...  Read more.

Simpson Meets with Obama and House Budget Committee to Discuss Economic Stimulus
- Washington, D.C.  -   Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson had two very important meetings about the upcoming economic stimulus package today.  First, he attended a House Budget Committee hearing, then he joined other GOP leaders in a meeting with President Obama to discuss why the President thinks the stimulus package is necessary.

“Unemployment is rising, businesses are ...  Read more.

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Central Idaho Economic
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Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act - HR 222
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