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Washington Co. Administrator John Willie, St. George Mayor Dan McArthur, County Commissioner Alan Gardner, the Congressman, Desert Reserve Administrator Bill Mader, Retired BLM Field Manager Jim Crisp and a spectator.

Congressman Matheson reads to students of Dixie Downs Elementary at the Grand Opening of "Reach Out & Read" at the Southwest Community Health Center in St. George.

Congressman Matheson serves Emery County residents during the annual Lamb Fry on July 30. The Emery County Lamb Fry is one of the largest events in the county, drawing hundreds of people annually.

Congressman Matheson along with Dixie State College of Utah President Dr. Stephen D. Nadauld and DSC associate dean of health sciences Dr. Carole Grady, listen to DSC associate professor of nursing Kristy Baron discuss student activity during a tour of a nursing lab at the new Russell C. Taylor Health Sciences Center.

Press Headlines

Matheson Will Support Plan to Shore up Utahns in the Recession

Washington D.C.—Congressman Jim Matheson, saying that this is unquestionably the most bleak economic outlook in generations, today will vote for an economic recovery package that seeks to create jobs and cut taxes for thousands of Utah families and businesses.

Matheson: More Kids Will Have Health Insurance

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Jim Matheson today supported the reauthorization of a landmark program designed to provide health insurance for the children of the working poor.  The House-passed Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2009—HR 2-- helps ensure that 11 million eligible children nationally will have access to coverage.

Matheson Re-Introduces Bill to Ban Foreign Waste Disposal in Utah

Washington D.C.—Congressman Jim Matheson has launched a renewed effort to ban the importation of foreign radioactive waste into the United States. He joined Congressman Bart Gordon of Tennessee and Congressman Lee Terry of Nebraska in introducing the bipartisan "Radioactive Import Deterrence" (RID) Act of 2009 Thursday.

Help with Tax Returns

As tax season approaches, you may want to take advantage of free services offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to all taxpayers.

Have 15 Minutes?

Apply Online for Social Security Retirement Benefits

The Social Security Administration is introducing an online application that will allow people to apply for retirement benefits from the convenience of their computer. The plan recognizes that with some 10,000 people a day becoming eligible for retirement, the old system of applying in person at a Social Security office will not accommodate the workload. The program has no paper forms to sign and usually requires no additional documents. To use the new program, please go to the secure website http://www.socialsecurity.gov and click on "Filing Online for Retirement Benefits" at the top of the page.

IRS Opens Identity Protection Specialized Unit

As part of the Service’s strategy to reduce taxpayer burden caused by identity theft, a new Identity Protection Specialized Unit opened October 1, 2008. This unit will help resolve identity theft victims’ issues quickly and effectively.

Victims can call a dedicated toll-free number, 800-908-4490, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., local time. The unit will reduce taxpayer burden by providing individualized assistance, including:

  • A single customer service representative to work with each identity theft victim to answer questions and resolve his or her issues.
  • A new and simplified process to verify taxpayer identity and identity theft.
  • A place for taxpayers to self-report identity theft before it impacts their tax accounts
  • A place for taxpayers to self-report incidents where they may be at risk for identity theft because their personally identifiable information has been compromised (for example, stolen purse/wallet).

In addition, the unit will assist taxpayers who have already had their tax accounts impacted by identity theft, but have not yet had their issues resolved. The unit will refer taxpayers to the IRS area that is working the identity theft issue and also collaborate with that area to monitor the case through resolution.