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President Obama delivering his inauguration address after being sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

Congressman Gonzalez with Speaker Pelosi as he is sworn in for the 111th Congress.

Congressman Gonzalez meets with actor Ricardo Chavira to discuss funding for breast cancer research.

Congressman Gonzalez joins Safe Kids Metro San Antonio to speak with Cub Scouts about automotive safety

Congressman Gonzalez and Staff Sergeant Antonio Corona at the US Army Reserve's 100th Anniversary Ceremony

Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins Reps. Gonzalez, Cuellar, and Rodriguez at a rally for children's healthcare in San Antonio

Congressman Gonzalez receives the Humane Society's Legislative Leader Award

Rep. Gonzalez along with Rep. Rodriguez and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer meet with soldiers at Brooke Army Medical Center ...

Rep. Gonzalez and Rep. Tubbs Jones of Cleveland pose on the steps of the Capitol after the Spurs won their 4<...

Latest News

January 28, 2009: Gonzalez Statement on Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Legislation
Washington, DC - Congressman Charlie Gonzalez (TX-20) issued the following statement applauding the passage of H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, in the House by a vote of 244-188:

"The economic crisis we are facing is unlike anything we've experienced in generations.  The need for swift, bold action could not be greater and the legislation we've passed today begins to answer that call."
January 21, 2009: House Strengthens TARP Accountability, Transparency Provisions
Washington, DC - This afternoon the House passed H.R. 384, the TARP Reform and Accountability Act, which imposes strict accountability and transparency provisions on the remaining $350 billion in the Troubled Assets Relief Program of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.  The bill was passed by a vote of 260-166.

"There was a dire need to act when we passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act last fall.  But at the same time, we knew that our work was not finished back in October.  Any program of this magnitude requires close supervision so that it can be adjusted and upgraded along the way," said Congressman Charlie Gonzalez (TX-20).


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