Welcome to the official home page of Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.

Interactive Map of the 2nd District of Arizona

If you live in the 2nd District, I am deeply honored to work on your behalf as a Member of the 110th Congress. Please use the contact information included on this website to share your thoughts and concerns with me at any time. Also, visit the “Constituent Services” tab (on the left) if my office may be of assistance to you.

It is a great privilege to represent you as a Member of Congress in Washington, D.C. since being elected in 2003, the 108th Congress. As we continue through the 110th Congress, I encourage you to communicate with me, whether by mail, phone, or email. I value each one of you and appreciate your thoughts and feedback, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Most Sincerely,

Inauguration Ticket Information

Since the election, my office has received hundreds of calls from constituents requesting tickets for President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony. Tickets for the event are free, and Members of the 111th Congress, as well as the President-elect's presidential inaugural committee, are scheduled to receive a very limited number of tickets in January for the inauguration ceremony, which will be held on January 20, 2009, at the West Front of the U.S. Capitol.

At the present time, my office has already received far more requests than can be matched with allotted tickets; therefore, unfortunately, we are unable to accept additional requests.

I encourage Arizona residents wishing to attend the inauguration to simply attend in the non-ticketed viewing areas along the parade route and on the National Mall, where the public can see the ceremony via a large video screen.

For more information on the inauguration, please visit the following website: http://inaugural.senate.gov/2009/

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Babies and Bibles

Just two days ago Barack Obama took the presidential oath of office, placing his left hand upon the same Bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inaugural. ...view more

A Letter to President Obama

Dear President Barack Obama, ...view more

Russian Belligerence Reinforces the Need to Move Forward with European Missile Defenses

Many of us watched with outrage several weeks ago as the Russian Army launched a brutal thrust into the Republic of Georgia, ostensibly in defense of the break-away regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.  As I write this, the invasion has ended, but Russian forces still have not left Georgian soil. ...view more