Rep. Smith

Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Adam Smith invites you to attend a town hall meeting on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at City of Kent Council Chambers, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032.

The purpose of the town hall meeting is to meet with constituents to listen to concerns, answer questions, and discuss issues facing Congress. Space is limited so please RSVP if you are able to attend by calling (253) 896-3775 or (888) SMITH09.

Flood Assistance

If you are experiencing flood related problems and need assistance, please click here.

Housing and Financial Support

Facing foreclosure? Find out if you qualify for the HOPE for Homeowners Program, information of avoiding foreclosure, and HUD approved counseling agencies, here.

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, which regulates and examines a variety of state chartered financial services, is also a valuable resource for individuals facing financial hardships.

Digitial Television Transition

Are you ready for the transition to digital television? Click on the image below to find out more.

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Recent Photos

Photo of the Day

U.S. Rep. Adam Smith on a recent trip to visit U.S. Special Operations forces.

Visit the Photo Gallery.

Recent News

January 28, 2009
Rep. Adam Smith’s Statement on American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act -
  Washington D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09) made the following statement after his vote in support of the American Economic Recovery ...(more)

January 19, 2009
Congressman Smith’s Statement on Martin Luther King Day -
  Washington DC – Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09) made the following statement in observance of Martin Luther King Day:  “We welcome this ...(more)

January 15, 2009
Rep. Smith Leads Call for Accountability and Transparency in Economic Stimulus Package -
  Washington – Congressman Adam Smith (WA-9) authored a letter sent to Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Boehner and committee leadership requesting ...(more)

Guide to Government

Smith's office has prepared a Guide to Government to help 9th District residents stay in touch with their regional government officials.

Download a PDF version of the Guide to Government.

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