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January 26, 2009 - Walk-In Office Hours a Hit with Constituents

On Saturday, January 24, Congresswoman Jackie Speier held walk-in office hours from 11:00 am –2:00 pm.     Nineteen constituents showed up at the San Mateo district office and were able to spend some time talking one-on-one with the Congresswoman about their concerns.  Issues covered included the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, child abuse, Medicare, runaway Pentagon spending, lead in toys, the environment, health insurance, problems with the Federal Reserve, a cost-effective way of delivering medical services to lower-income patients, the Small Business Administration and federal help for elementary schools. "I hope the constituents got as much from these meetings as I ...continue reading »
January 14, 2009 - Speier lauds action on healthcare for school children
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Jackie Speier (San Francisco /San Mateo County) took the floor of the House of Representatives this morning to urge her colleagues to support the expansion of a popular program that provides health insurance for low income children not eligible for Medicaid.  The measure, HR 2, passed with bipartisan support 289 -139.

The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act expands the current program – known in California as Healthy Families or Healthy Kids – to cover an additional four million children over the current roster of 7 million.

Similar bills were passed in the last Congress, ...continue reading »

January 9, 2009 - Equal Pay Bills Passed
Washington, DC – Jackie Speier hailed today's passage of The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and The Paycheck Fairness Act as "monumental victories for working women."

Both bills passed the House previously, in 2008, but stalled in the Senate.  “Talk about change we can believe in!” Speier said.  “These two bills restore basic rights and fundamental fairness to working women.  Support for the bills has grown considerably in the House while over in the Senate, we benefit from many of the opponents having retired – whether voluntarily or with the help of voters.”

Lilly Ledbetter worked for nearly two decades at a ...continue reading »

Read My Blog

Fund the GAO for more accountability

On Wednesday, January 14, I sat down with two officials from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Gene Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General and Ralph Dawn, Managing Director of Congressional Relations. 

You may be asking, “Why would anyone care about the...(more)

Posted on: 01-15-2009