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Congressman Paul Hodes Votes to Delay DTV Switch

Congressman Paul Hodes voted today to delay the digital television switch until June 2009. Originally, the switch was scheduled to take effect February 17th, 2009 but due to lack of funding many affected residents would not be able to effectively make the switch.


Congressman Paul Hodes’ Statement on President Obama’s Decision to Reconsider Emission Standards Wavier

This is an important step towards improving air quality for millions of Americans and preserving our environment. Each state should have the ability to determine its own admissions standards. America can be and must be a world leader in producing the fuel-efficient and environmentally-sustainable cars of the future.


Congressman Paul Hodes Votes against Releasing Additional $350 Billion in TARP Funding

Congressman Hodes today voted for HJ Res 3, a resolution expressing disapproval of the release of an additional $350 billion in TARP funds. The measure passed by a vote of 270-155. A similar bill failed in the Senate last week and under law both chambers must pass disapproval for the money to be withheld.
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