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Fallin Announces Opposition to Democrat Spending Bill
Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-05) announced her opposition to the Democrats’ spending bill today and declared her intention to vote against it. While Fallin has repeatedly praised the inclusion of some of the tax cuts in the legislation, she said the final product was more about pork barrel projects and the massive expansion of government programs than economic stimulus or job creation.   » Read More
From the Tulsa World: Fallin Files Bill to Keep Gitmo Detainees out of Oklahoma
U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin introduced a bill Tuesday designed to bar the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to Oklahoma, and Sen. Jim Inhofe revealed plans to lead a fact-finding trip to the facility in Cuba next week.   » Read More
Fallin Joins House GOP in Meeting With Obama, Pushes Tax Cuts
Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-05) joined other House Republicans today in meeting with President Barack Obama to discuss economic recovery legislation. Fallin and her colleagues continued to push the president to focus his plan on tax cuts rather than government spending and urged him to cut the total cost of his proposal.   » Read More

DTV Answeres On February 17, 2009 television stations across the U.S. will switch from analog to digital signals. Click here to find out how the DTV switch affects you.

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