Honoring Former Fire Chief Ed Hanzel

February 6, 2008

I rise today with a deep sense of appreciation to pay tribute to former Fire Chief Ed Hanzel, who passed away on December 31, 2007, while serving as a combat fire fighter in Iraq.

I rise today with a deep sense of appreciation to pay tribute to former Fire Chief Ed Hanzel, who passed away on December 31, 2007, while serving as a combat fire fighter in Iraq.

Ed, who devoted over 32 years of his life to his community as a firefighter, embarked on two separate tours in Iraq following his retirement in 2002. Retirement did not suite Ed, who felt he could make a positive contribution in Iraq while continuing to provide for his family. And although Denise, his wife of 36 years, worried for his safety, Ed was determined to protect our brave soldiers by utilizing his professional fire fighting skills on military bases as a combat firefighter.

One morning, at the onset of his second tour, Ed informed a co-worker he wasn't feeling well and went to rest. Later that day, Ed Hanzel passed away.

Ed was a strong man. He had beaten cancer a few years ago. His death in Iraq surprised his family and friends who knew him for his easy going nature, his sense of humor and ability to light up a room with his bright eyes and genuine smile. After his passing, countless firefighters, emergency medical personnel and other safety forces from 11 neighboring departments joined together to honor Ed's memory. With fire truck ladders extended to form an arch, an American flag was flown at the peak, symbolizing Ed's devotion to his country.

A medical helicopter flew low over the crowd and a fire truck adorned with a black wreath sounded a traditional last call, concluding the ceremony to celebrate a former fire chief. A humble fire chief who often appeared embarrassed when called chief. The respect and admiration Ed earned as a firefighter and paramedic and a S.W.A.T. medic could not have been more visible as his peers joined together around an empty pair of boots and a firefighter's helmet to honor their fallen colleague.

We will always remember Ed for his ever-present smile, his commitment to his community, his sense of humor, and his dedication to his family. On behalf of the people of Ohio's 13th District, I want to express my deepest sympathies to his wife Denise and son Brian. We have lost a great man and they have lost a great husband and a father, who gave all in service to others and our country. We grieve his passing but we celebrate his life in service, and we take solace in knowing that we are better people for having known him.

Thank you.