MEJA Expansion Act

October 3, 2007

The MEJA Expansion and Enforcement Act is critical, common-sense legislation to hold contractors responsible for criminal behavior

Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate the distinguished gentleman from North Carolina on the strong, strong bipartisan bill. The MEJA Expansion and Enforcement Act is critical, common-sense legislation to hold contractors responsible for criminal behavior, just like we hold our troops responsible for crimes when they are committed, and just like we hold American citizens responsible for following the law. Those who argue against this measure seem willing to tolerate lawlessness in countries where our military is seeking to restore justice. The truth is, every time we see an incident with an Iraqi civilian being killed, and American contractors escaping accountability, our men and women in uniform suffer, they see insurgent support rise, and lose the trust of the Iraqi people. Our troops are not responsible for the strain that the president has placed on our armed forces which has led to the need for mercenaries to carry out missions that our troops capably handle and it is tragic that our troops are targeted. Only only then will we see a true deterrent of vigilante behavior of private citizens working overseas. It is simple, Mr. Speaker, the MEJA Expansion and Enforcement Act extends policies that are in place for the Department of Defense to contractors for other agencies. And let's be clear, nobody is accusing every single contractor of committing the criminal acts we've talked about today. But when a contractor does commit a crime, they must be punished and we must have consequences to serve as a deterrent. It should not be controversial to punish people for committing murder and felonies. This is a giant loophole in our law that is hurting our reputation abroad, hurting our troops in the field and is making a mockery of the American sense of justice. I urge a "yes" vote on the previous question and on the rule, and I yield back the balance of my time and I move the previous question on the resolution.