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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
The South Carolina Veterans History Project   Email This
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What is the South Carolina Veterans History Project?
The Veterans History Project was signed into law in October 2000, as an effort to engage every citizen in preserving the oral histories of our nation’s veterans. The project is part of the Library of Congress' National Veterans History Collection and interviews will be archived by the library and preserved for the future.

Why is this project so important?
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), America is losing her veterans at a rate of over 1,000 each day. The VA also estimates over 400,000 of these veterans live in South Carolina. Senator DeMint is proud to partner with the Library of Congress to preserve the valuable oral histories of South Carolina’s veterans for future generations of authors, historians, students and other interested individuals to use and experience.

Who can conduct a veteran interview?
Anyone with a little bit of time and the desire to honor a veteran in their life. Simply find a veteran, download the informational packet, and follow the easy instructions that are included in the packet. Interviews can range from 20 minutes to two hours, simply depending on the time that you and your veteran are able to spend.

Senator DeMint and his staff will also conduct interviews of veterans in either audio or video format. In addition to being interviewed, veterans may contribute original letters, diaries, photographs, maps, home movies, drawings and other documents for archiving (reproductions are not accepted). The program does not accept medals or uniforms.

Who can be interviewed?
Interviews are conducted with veterans of all military branches who served during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War or the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Veterans need not have seen combat to participate in the program. Interviews may also be conducted with citizens who supported the armed services and individuals involved in home front activities.

Veterans wishing to participate in the program can contact Senator DeMint’s office via e-mail at scvets@demint.senate.gov or by calling 202-224-6121. They will then be contacted by Senator DeMint’s staff (or a participating partner) to set up a time and location for the interview.

Each veteran interviewed will receive a certificate signed by Senator DeMint acknowledging their service to our nation and thanking them for their participation in the South Carolina Veterans History Project.

How can my organization partner with Senator DeMint in this important project?
Interviewing South Carolina veterans is a wonderful project for local history museums, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, church youth groups, school civics classes, and other organizations to participate in. If you are interested in becoming a South Carolina Veterans History Project partner, please send an e-mail to scvets@demint.senate.gov.


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