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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
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Largest Bottle-to-Bottle Recycling Plant in the World Unveiled in Spartanburg
Posted by Mark Cothran 01/20/2009 - 11:17:09 AM
Coca Cola Recycling Plant 2
Photo by Alex C. Hicks Jr., Spartanburg Herald Journal

On Wednesday morning, January 15th, the Coca Cola Company and United Resource Recovery Corporation held the grand opening in Spartanburg of the world’s largest bottle-to-bottle recycling plant. This 30 acre facility will produce approximately 100 million pounds of recycled plastic for reuse back into bottles each year – the equivalent of 2 billion 20 ounce Coca Cola bottles. Over the next 10 years, the Spartanburg County plant is expected to eliminate the production of 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions - the equivalent of removing 215,000 cars from the road. This plant is also expected to create approximately 100 new jobs in Spartanburg within the next 5 years.

Coca Cola Recycling Plant
In the above photo, Sandy Douglas, President and CEO of Coca Cola North America invites attendees at the grand opening to taste Coca Cola from a commemorative bottle that was made with 30% recycled PET plastic from the Spartanburg facility. Photo by Alex C. Hicks Jr., Spartanburg Herald Journal

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Regional Director
Mark Cothran
105 North Spring St
Suite 109
Greenville, SC 29601
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P: 864-233-5366
F: 864-271-8901
About the Regional Director
Mark Cothran was born and raised in the Upstate of South Carolina and proudly represents the senator in the 4th Congressional District. Mark, a 2000 graduate of Clemson University (a.k.a. "God's Country"), is an avid Tiger fan and cannot be reached on football Saturdays. Mark resides in Greenville with his wife, son and their 82 lb. chocolate Labrador.
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