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1/28/2009 - Process Foul
Calling A Process Bipartisan, Open, and Transparent Does Not Make It So
As the Democratic Majority prepares to pass their bloated trillion dollar “stimulus” bill later today, they are trying to convince the American public that they subscribe to President Obama’s vision of a bipartisan, open, and transparent legislative process.    more...
7/30/2008 - Process Foul
Dems on Debate: It Depends on What the Definition of Open Is
The House Democratic Leadership has finally decided to do their job and bring an appropriations bill to the floor of the House, but they are doing it in unprecedented fashion.   more...
7/16/2008 - Process Foul
Democratic Energy Agenda?  It’s Anyone’s Guess!
In their effort to keep Americans guessing about what, if anything, they plan to do to bring down the price of gas and provide relief for working families, the House Democratic Rules Committee today gave the House special permission to suspend the rules for debate of a bill no one has seen.   more...
5/15/2008 - Process Foul
Democrats Throw Democracy Out the Window, Seek to Jam Flawed Bill Through Without Debate
Since they assumed power in 2007, the Democratic Leadership has demonstrated an unfettered willingness to trample the rules and traditions of the House of Representatives in their effort to achieve political objectives.    more...
4/15/2008 - Process Foul
Democrats Blasted for Rules Move to Kill Colombia FTA, Pat Selves on Back
As bipartisan outrage over their disastrous move to kill the Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) continues to mount, House Rules Committee Democrats demonstrate just how obtuse they are in today’s Politico.   more...

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