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Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China

Index of Roundtables

Issue Roundtables

The UN Human Rights Council's Review of China's Record: Process and Challenges (1/16/09)

Human Rights and Rule of Law in China: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go From Here? (12/12/08)

On the Eve of the Beijing Olympics: China's Information Lockdown (7/16/08)

Xinjiang: Rights Abuses in China's Muslim Western Region (5/14/08)

China’s National and Local Regulations on Religion: Recent Developments in Legislation and Implementation (11/20/06)

Political Change in China? Public Participation and Local Governance Reforms (5/15/06)

The Lot of Chinese Workers: Do China’s Labor Laws Work? (4/11/06)

The China-Dalai Lama Dialogue: Prospects for Progress (3/13/06)

 China's Response to Avian Flu: Steps Taken, Challenges Remaining (2/24/06)

China's Changing Strategic Concerns: The Impact on Human Rights in Xinjiang (11/16/05)

Working Conditions in China: Just and Favorable? (11/3/05)

China's Household Registration (Hukou) System: Discrimination and Reform (9/2/05)

Forced Labor in China (06/22/05)

Unofficial Religions in China: Beyond the Party's Rules (05/23/05)

Intellectual Property Protection as Economic Policy: Will China Ever Enforce its IP Laws? (05/16/05)

China's Ethnic Regional Autonomy Law: Does it Protect Minority Rights? (04/11/05)

China's New Regulation on Religious Affairs: A Paradigm Shift? (03/14/05)

Public Intellectuals in China (03/10/05)

Environmental NGOs in China: Encouraging Action and Addressing Public Grievances (02/07/05)

Coal Mine Safety in China: Can the Accident Rate be Reduced? (12/10/04)

Catholics and Civil Society in China (09/17/04)

Access to Justice in China (07/12/04)

Property Seizure in China: Politics, Law and Protest (06/21/04)

Practicing Islam in Today's China: Differing Realities for the Uighurs and the Hui (05/17/04)

The Plight of North Korean Migrants in China: A Current Assessment (04/19/04)

Influencing China's WTO Compliance and Commercial Legal Reform: Beyond Monitoring (04/02/04)

China and U.S. Agriculture: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards, A Continuing Barrier to Trade? (03/26/04)

Development Projects in Tibetan Areas of China: Articulating Clear Goals and Achieving Sustainable Results (03/19/04)

After the Detention and Death of Sun Zhigang: Prisons, Detention, and Torture in China (10/27/03)

China's Mounting HIV/AIDS Crisis: How Should the United States Respond? (10/20/03)

Freedom of the Press in China After SARS: Reform and Retrenchment (09/22/03)

Open Forum on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China (09/08/03)

Freedom of Association for Chinese Workers (07/07/03)

Voices of the Small Handful: 1989 Student Movement Leaders Assess Human Rights in Today's China (06/02/03)

Dangerous Secret: SARS and China's Health Care System (05/12/03)

Codes of Conduct: U.S. Corporate Compliance Programs and Working Conditions in Chinese Factories (04/28/03)

Teaching and Learning Tibetan: The Role of the Tibetan Language in Tibet's Future (04/07/03)

The Rule of Law in China: Lawyers without Law? (04/01/03)

To Serve the People: NGOs and the Development of Civil Society in China (03/24/03)

Open Forum on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China (03/10/03)

Holding up Half the Sky: Women's Rights in China's Changing Economy (02/24/03)

Ownership with Chinese Characteristics: Private Property Rights and Land Reform in the PRC (02/03/03)

Clearing the Air: The Human Rights and Legal Dimensions of China's Environmental Dilemma (01/27/03)

Open Forum on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China (12/09/02)

Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics 2008 (11/18/02)

Workplace Safety Issues in the People's Republic of China (11/07/02)

China's Cyber-Wall: Can technology break through? (11/04/02)

China's Children: Adoption, Orphanages, and Children with Disabilities (10/21/02)

Women's Rights and China's New Family Planning Law (09/23/02)

HIV/AIDS (09/09/02)

Open Forum on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China (08/05/02)

China's Criminal Justice System (07/26/02)

Village Elections in China (07/08/02)

Restrictions on Media Freedoms in China (06/24/02)

Ethnic Minorities in China: Tibetans and Uyghurs (06/10/02)

Roundtable on Rule of Law Programs (05/24/02)

Wired China: Whose Hand is on the Switch? (04/15/02)

Roundtable on Religious Freedom (03/25/02)

Roundtable on Labor Rights in China (03/18/02)

Open Forum on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China (03/04/02)

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