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Appropriations Requests

My office conducts its appropriations work in a manner that is transparent and fair to all Virginians. We welcome appropriations requests from all Virginians-- whether represented by advocates or not.

To submit an appropriations request(s) for the 2010 fiscal year, please complete the appropriations forms that are available by clicking below. Please be aware that completion of the application packet does not guarantee funding. The application deadline is February 27, 2009.

Senator Mark Warner and I approach the appropriations process collaboratively. I would encourage anyone making an appropriations request with my office to also contact Senator Warner's office regarding their request(s). After a thorough review of all requests, Senator Warner and I will make joint requests to the Senate Committee on Appropriations.

I look forward to working with you on your request and once again working closely with my colleagues in the Virginia Congressional delegation in support of projects that are important to the Commonwealth of Virginia and our nation.

If you have any questions concerning any aspect of the appropriations process, please call me at (202)-224-4024 and a member of my staff will be able to assist you.


Click a link below to access the appropriate application.

defense application non-defense application