Press Release

Media Contact:
Jake Rubin 202.225.5665


January 28, 2009

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. approved a bill to invest our hard-earned tax dollars right here at home, rebuilding America and creating new higher-wage jobs.  Kagen voted for the American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act saying that it will give a timely boost to the economy of Northeast Wisconsin and the nation.

“This bill is a great for taxpayers, small businesses, students and all citizens who are willing to work hard and play by the rules.  The legislation will allow the private sector to create new jobs by rebuilding our schools, roads, bridges and waterways, modernize public buildings, and clean our air, water and land – while giving tax cuts to the 181,000 households in the 8th District.  It is a great first step toward building a better nation for all of us.”

The American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act will create and save 3 to 4 million jobs by rebuilding America, making us more globally competitive and energy independent, and transforming our economy for long-term growth.  95% of working Americans will receive an immediate tax cut.  It also has unprecedented accountability measures built in—providing strong oversight and an historic degree of public transparency.

More than 90 percent of the jobs created nationwide will be in the private sector.  The bill includes $30 billion for highway construction, of which over $560 million will go to Wisconsin, and $10 billion for transit and rail projects, including almost $73 million for Wisconsin arriving as a block grant. 

“This is an investment in people, and it delivers tax cuts to those who need it the most – the middle class,” said Kagen.

Congressman Kagen highlighted an amendment that came out of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that was included in the legislation and will jumpstart the economy.  The provision would amend the aviation, highway, rail and transit priority consideration and “use-it-or-lost-it” provisions to require that 50 percent of the funds be obligated within 90 days.

“Chairman Oberstar and I are committed to getting these funds to projects that are shovel-ready and will get people back to work now.  I am proud we were able to include this provision.”

Congressman Kagen welcomed Governor Jim Doyle to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee last week to discuss these shovel-ready projects and ensure that Wisconsin is ready to put people to work.

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