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Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 522-1212 Phone

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Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4755 Phone
Home arrow Services arrow Federal Agency Assistance
Federal Agency Casework Assistance | Print |
Our office is able to help you, 5th District constituents , with problems you may be having with a federal agency. Our office has four caseworkers who operate out of our district office. While we cannot force an agency to act in your favor, we can frequently intervene to facilitate the processes involved and gain a fair hearing for your case, and sometimes advocate for a favorable outcome.

We are often able to help constituents with problems regarding, but not limited to:
  • Labor Issues and EEOC
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Housing
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Medicare & Medicaid
  • Social Security
  • Military and Medals
  • Passports
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Other federal programs and agencies

Helpful Steps For A Favorable Outcome
1.    Call our district office at (612) 522-1212 to speak with a caseworker, to schedule an appointment, or if you have any preliminary questions
2.    Fill out the Privacy Act Release form (mandatory)
3.    Make copies of any relevant documents, records or correspondence that you may have from the agency involved (optional, but very helpful)
4.    Fax, mail or hand deliver copies of the above paperwork to our district office
Important note: The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that Members of Congress and their staff have written authorization before they can obtain information about a constituent's case. By law, we must have a completed copy of this form before we can assist you.
[Link to my Privacy Act Release form]

Please know: The rules of Congressional Courtesy require that individuals residing outside of the 5th Congressional District be referred to the Member of Congress who represents them. To verify your congressional district, search the Member of Congress directory by ZIP code at http://www.house.gov.