6:30 pm Tuesday, February 3rd


Vote Sheets

  • Vote Series I
    Jan 28, 2009  - Question of consideration on H.Res. 92, the rule providing for further consideration of H.R. 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. - A yes vote is to proceed to the Rule Y  240 N  174 Next:    Rule providing for the... More
  • Vote Series II
    Jan 28, 2009  - Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Adoption of H.Res. 92, the rule providing for further consideration of H.R. 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  Y  243 N  185 S. 328 To delay the Digital Television Transition until ... More
  • Vote Series III
    Jan 28, 2009  - Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Neugebauer (TX) Strikes the $355.9 billion in discretionary domestic spending in the bill.    Y  134 N  302 Flake (AZ) Strikes the $800 million in funding for Amtrak.  ... More
  • Vote Series I
    Jan 27, 2009  - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Ordering the previous question on H.Res. 87, the rule providing for consideration of S. 181 – Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  Y  252 N  175 Adoption of H.Res. 87, the rule providing for consider... More
  • Vote Series II
    Jan 27, 2009  - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 McKeon motion to Commit S. 181- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to the Committee on Education and Labor    Y  176 N  250 Passage S. 181- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act  ... More
  • Vote Sheets
    Jan 26, 2009  - Please check this space as bells ring for votes in the House to obtain the vote sheet listing the current votes. More
  • Vote Series I
    Jan 26, 2009  - Monday, January 26, 2009 H.Res. 31 Expressing support for designation of January 28, 2009, as "National Data Privacy Day"  Y  402 N  0 H.Res. 84 Honoring the heroic actions of the pilot, crew, and rescuers of US Airways... More
  • Vote Series I
    Jan 22, 2009  - Thursday, January 22, 2009 Passage H.J.Res. 3 – Relating to the disapproval of obligations under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (A yes vote disapproves releasing the funds)    Y  270 N  155 H.Res. 56 Ex... More
  • Vote Series I
    Jan 21, 2009  - Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Hinchey (NY) Directs the Secretary to require any institutions that received TARP assistance to inform the Secretary of the precise use of the funds.  Y  427 N  1 Motion to table the appeal o... More
  • Vote Series I
    Jan 15, 2009  - Thursday, January 15, 2009 Frank (MA)/Managers Amendment—Includes various amendments from both sides of the aisle as well as technical and conforming changes. It also expands the scope of TARP-eligible recipients from financial institutions, automobile manufactures, consumer and commercial rea... More