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Legislative Formulas?

Submitted by Rep. John Campbell

In today’s edition of Roll Call, there is a rather telling article regarding earmarks in the Economic Stimulus Package. The article, titled “Artfully Redefining Earmarks,” clearly points out that some members clearly don’t get it, including those close to Speaker Pelosi. House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is quoted in the article saying: “I know the politics of all this. I just think they’re wrong about it…I love earmarks.”


111th Congress’ Version of the PAYGO Gimmick

Submitted by Rep. John Campbell

I am no fan of the Democrats’ pay-as-you go (PAYGO) rule that was put in place at the beginning of the 110th Congress, in fact their rule was nothing more than a cheap gimmick which they ignored on a wide range of bills. When taken together this would amount to an increase in the deficit by more than $420 billion.


Well the 111th Congress will further weaken the PAYGO by: