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Submitted by Rep. Mike Pence

Our nation is facing a serious economic crisis but the Democrats in Congress have offered a purely partisan bill that does not incorporate bipartisan recommendations.


The American people deserve to know that the President’s call for a compromise has been completely ignored by House Democrats who would use a time of national economic crisis to fund their big government priorities under the guise of stimulating the economy.


House Republicans take President Obama at his word and will urge him to make good on his pledge to set aside partisan differences and bring the best ideas from both parties to bear on this economic crisis.


The Democrat promises of change and bipartisanship ring hollow in the face of a stimulus bill that does little more than fund a wish list of longstanding liberal spending priorities.
What does $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, $200 million to plant sod on the National Mall, $400 million for climate change research, and $200 million for contraception have to do with creating jobs?


The Democrat bill won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt. The slow and wasteful spending in the House Democrat bill is a disservice to millions of Americans who want to see this Congress take immediate action to get this economy moving again.


House Republicans have a better solution. By enacting the Republican plan for fast-acting tax relief for working families and small businesses the American people will see immediate results that will put our nation on the road to recovery.