FDLP Desktop Re-launch PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, 09 January 2009

On Monday, January 12, 2009, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) will re-launch the FDLP Desktop. Visitors to http://www.fdlp.gov will see that the beta version has been replaced by the new design. At the same time, the homepage for the legacy FDLP Desktop will redirect users to fdlp.gov.

This re-launch comes after a year of development and community feedback and is designed to streamline GPO’s dissemination of Program-related news, content, and tools to enhance library participation and public services.

Highlights of the re-launch include:

  • Homepage news organized by categories
  • Easy login using your depository number and internal password
  • Access to depository-only services (e.g., promotional ordering)
  • The ability to bookmark Desktop pages within your library’s login

Please note the following:

  • URLs to content may have changed. Please update your bookmarks.
  • The navigation scheme has changed.
  • Content is continually being migrated from the legacy FDLP Desktop.
  • Individual accounts are no longer active on the FDLP Desktop.
  • Social networking tools (e.g., blogs, forum) are consolidated under the FDLP Community site (http://community.fdlp.gov). Users are encouraged to sign up and participate.

More information on the structure, design, and functionality of the FDLP Desktop is available under Tutorials, which is available from FDLP Desktop homepage.

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