GPO Practice Change: Cutter Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Written on Monday, 05 May 2008
Last Updated on Sunday, 27 July 2008

Effective immediately, GPO will cease using cutter numbers on the Hearings issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (House):

  • SuDoc Y 4.G 74/7:
  • Item nos. 1016-A (P), 1016-B (MF)

GPO will use the serial number that is on the Hearing as the suffix for the SuDoc class. This new procedure is consistent with the classification numbers assigned to other Congressional Committee Hearings. Chapter 5 of the GPO Classification Manual outlines this practice. Publications classified prior to this announcement will not be changed to reflect this new practice.

For example:

  • Title: New Allegations Against GSA Administrator Lurita Doan : Retaliation Against Government Officials Cooperating with Investigators, Hearing Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st session.
  • Serial no.: 110-37
  • SuDoc Class: Y 4.G 74/7:110-37.
  • PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS93845

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