OMB News Releases

2008 Agency Performance
Improvement Officers (PIO)

Organization Performance
Improvement Officer
Agency for International Development Angelique Crumbly
Agency for International Development - Alternate Subhi Mehdi
Agency for International Development - Alternate Jacqueline Thomas
Broadcasting Board of Governors Karen Hess
US Army Corps of Engineers Gary Loew
US Army Corps of Engineers - Alternate Mary Gauker
US Army Corps of Engineers - Alternate Bret Walters
Corporation for National and Community Service Tyndall Traversa
Consumer Product Safety Commission Jacqueline Elder
Consumer Product Safety Commission - Alternate NJ Scheers
Department of Homeland Security John Whitley
Department of Homeland Security - Alternate Scott Krause
Department of Homeland Security - Alternate Amy Culbertson
Department of Homeland Security - Alternate Anthony Hatchett
Department of Commerce Neil K. Shapiro
Department of Commerce - Alternate Steve Shapiro
Department of Commerce - Alternate Sharon Kindrock
Department of Defense Beth McGrath
Department of Defense - Alternate Elizabeth Barker
Department of Defense - Alternate Michael Metzger
Department of Energy Jay Hoffman
Department of Energy - Alternate David Abercrombie
Department of Energy - Alternate Patricia Poole-Shirriel
Department of Interior  Rich Beck
Department of Interior - Alternate Paul Hoffman
Department of Justice  Jolene Lauria Sullens
Department of Justice - Alternate Maureen Lyons
Department of Justice - Alternate Karen Oleary
Department of Labor  Richard French
Department of Transportation Mark A. Haerr
Department of Transportation - Alternate Jeff Newsome
Department of Education Thomas Skelly
Department of Education - Alternate Kenneth Johnson
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Anthony J. Kaminski
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Alternate Janice Swiney
Environmental Protection Agency Marcus Peacock
Environmental Protection Agency - Alternate Rocco Russo
Environmental Protection Agency - Alternate Lyons Gray
Environmental Protection Agency - Alternate Maryann Froehlich
Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission Thomas Herliehy
Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission - Alternate Elizabeth Hensley
Federal Maritime Commission Austin Schmitt
Federal Maritime Commission - Alternate Rachel Dickon
General Services Administration Kimber Boyer
General Services Administration - Alternate Paul Boyle
General Services Administration - Alternate Jason Keller
General Services Administration - Alternate Sarah Whitmore
Health and Human Services Andrew W. Baldus
Health and Human Services - Alternate Ursula Scott
Health and Human Services - Alternate Charlie Johnson
Housing and Urban Development James Martin
Housing and Urban Development - Alternate Deborah Glembocki
Housing and Urban Development - Alternate Carol Yates
Merit Systems and Protection Board Tracey D. Watkins
Merit Systems and Protection Board - Alternate DeeAnn Batten
National Archives and Records Administration Adrienne Thomas
National Archives and Records Administration - Alternate Susan Ashtianie
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scott Pace
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Alternate Adrienne Ross
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Alternate Jenny Kishiyama
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Alternate Richard Beck
National Council on Disability Mark Quigley
National Credit Union Administration James Patrick
National Endowment for the Arts Sunil Iyengar
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jim Dyer
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Alternate Tamara Trocki
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Alternate Leslie Barnett
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Alternate George Smolik
National Science Foundation Thomas Cooley
National Science Foundation - Alternate Diane McKay
National Science Foundation - Alternate Patricia Jones Tsuchitani
National Science Foundation - Alternate Shirley Watt
National Transportation Safety Board David L. Mayer
Office of the Director of National Intelligence Monica Hayes
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Myrtle Habersham
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight - Alternate Susan Jacobs
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight - Alternate Janet Murphy 
Office of Management and Budget Dustin Brown
Office of Management and Budget/National Security Division Bill McQuaid
Office of Personnel Management Daniel K. Marella
Peace Corps Ruben Hernandez
Postal Regulatory Commission Judith M. Grady
Railroad Retirement Board Dorothy Isherwood
Railroad Retirement Board - Alternate Catherine Leyser
Small Business Administration Jennifer Main
Small Business Administration - Alternate David Eagles
Small Business Administration - Alternate Gordon Goebe
Smithsonian Institution Kenneth Johnson
Social Security Administration Mary Glenn-Croft
Social Security Administration - Alternate Laraine Williams
Department of State Sid Kaplan
Department of State - Alternate Kevin Covert
Department of State - Alternate Lela Prophet
Department of Treasury  Martin "Marty" Melone
Department of Treasury - Alternate Wes Foster
United States Commission on Civil Rights Debra Carr
Department of Agriculture/Office of Performance & Administration Scott Steele
United States International Trade Commission Robert Rogowsky
United States International Trade Commission - Alternate Linda Linkins
United States International Trade Commission - Alternate Ophelia McCardell
United States Postal Service Linda Kingsley
United States Postal Service - Alternate Cynthia Ouzts
United States Postal Service - Alternate Kent Smith
Department of Veterans Affairs Daniel Tucker
Department of Veterans Affairs - Alternate Mark Russell