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National Criminal History Improvement Program: Fiscal Year 1998 Program Announcement

Describes procedures for applying for continuation funding under the BJS-administered NCHIP program. Consistent with the fiscal 1998 appropriation, the 1998 NCHIP program funds support implementation of grant requirements under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act), the National Child Protection Act of 1993 (NCPA), and the National Domestic Violence/Stalker Reduction provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The 1998 appropriation was $47.75 M ($45M under Brady/NCPA, and $2.75M under VAWA). Awards are made only to the agency designated by the Governor to administer the program. 5/98 NCJ 171127

This announcement is one in a series. More recent announcements may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to NCHIP page.

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