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National Search and Rescue School



The National SAR School is the world's premier source for Search and Rescue (SAR) training. The joint Coast Guard / Air Force staff provides training in oceanic, coastal, and inland search planning procedures to SAR professionals from all U.S. military branches, various U.S. government agencies, volunteer SAR organizations, as well as members of the international SAR community.

For the latest class convenings, visit TQC. For Coast Guard members, additional information concerning the Nation Search & Rescue School and the Command Center Standardization Team (CCST) can be found on TCYorktown's Intranet site under Training accessible via a Standard Coast Guard Workstation.

Maritime Search and Rescue Background, Program Objectives, and Goals


SAR background statistics/information:

  • 95% of all Coast Guard SAR occurs less than 20 nautical miles offshore.
  • Approximately 90% of cases involve assist/rescue only.
  • 8% of cases involve minor searches (less than 24 hours).
  • 2% of cases involve major searches (greater than 24 hours).
  • Those 10% of cases involving searches (minor and major) cost the Coast Guard more than $50 million annually.

It is advantageous to reduce the time spent searching in order to:

  • Save more lives
  • Save Coast Guard resources
  • Place fewer Coast Guard personnel at risk

The school provides search planners with the skills and practice they need to become SAR detectives and information distillers. They must aggressively pursue leads and obtain all information available to successfully prosecute cases.

SAR program objectives are:

  1. Minimize loss of life, personnel injury, property loss and damage to the maritime environment.
  2. Minimize search duration and crew risk during SAR missions.
  3. Maintain a world leadership position in maritime SAR.

SAR program goals are (after Coast Guard notification):

  1. Save at least 93% of those people at risk of death on the waters over which the Coast Guard has SAR responsibility.
  2. Prevent the loss of at least 85% of the property at risk on the waters over which the Coast Guard has SAR responsibility.
Last Modified 9/18/2008