Bureau of Reclamation Banner


General Information

Alphabetical Listing
            This section provides data about Reclamation's power plants by alphabetical listing.
State Listing
            This section will provide a power plant listing by state.
Regional Listing
            This section provides data about Reclamation's power plants by region.
Capacity Listing
            Reclamation power plants range in capacity from 6,809,000 kW at Grand Coulee to 350 kW at Lewiston.
            A complete list of the plants by capacity is provided here.
Operated by Others
            We own some facilities where operations and maintenance, and marketing are performed by others.
FERC Licenses on Reclamation Facilities
           These powerplants are licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision (FERC) on Reclamation
            water facilities.
Reclamation Dams
            Not all of our dams were built to produce power. This section will provide information about
             Reclamation dams.

Revised November 16, 2005            Hydropower Site Map             Help