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S&T Proposal Management and Tracking System Research Proposal and Performance Contract Management (PropC) System

Submitted by: Douglas Clark, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68260, 303.445.2271, drclark@do.usbr.gov

Proposal ID: 1713

USBR Biological Resources Data Management: Developing an Enterprise Approach
What Is the Primary Research Question You Are Proposing with this Proposal?
How can Reclamation apply enterprise strategies to better manage and use biological resources data to meet its water management mission? Reclamation conducts many activities involving biological resources data pertaining to its projects and affected ecosystems. However, these activities frequently occur in isolation, meeting local project needs and immediate circumstances, but providing limited value to more extensive use. Often the result is data sets based upon multiple, or unspecified standards, with poorly documented metadata, and with limited or incomplete data archiving. This project will identify current Reclamation activities involving biological data, define priorities and strategies for for advancing biological resources data stewardship, adopt and/or develop supporting geospatial and collaborative tools, and apply these principles, approaches, and techniques.