Information Quality Guidelines

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You are here: Guidelines > Information Quality > Objectivity

Objectivity refers to the accuracy, reliability, and unbiased nature of information. It is achieved by using reliable information sources and appropriate techniques to prepare information products. Objectivity involves both the content and the presentation of the information. Content should be complete, include documentation of the source of any information used, as well as,when appropriate, a description of the sources of any errors in the data that may affect the quality of the information product. The presentation of the information should be clear and in a proper context so that users can easily understand its meaning.

The Department strives to present information to the public in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner. In keeping with the OMB Information Quality Guidelines disclaimer, all information products should undergo editorial and technical peer review to assist the Department in meeting this performance goal.

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Last Modified: 10/17/2005