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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Administration Calls on Other Branches to Help Combat Threats

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2009 – Top administration officials are calling on other branches of government to do their part in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

“For too long we put the bulk of the burden, in my view, on our military,” Vice President Joe Biden said during a State Department event today. “That's a view not only shared by me, but by your secretary of defense, as well.”

Biden said the military is “absolutely necessary, but not sufficient; not sufficient to secure the interests of this great nation.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated the vice president’s message when she first arrived at the State Department this morning.

“The work of the Obama-Biden administration is committed to advancing America’s national security, furthering America’s interests, and respecting and exemplifying America’s values around the world,” she said in a short speech to State Department employees.

She said there are three legs to the stool of American foreign policy: defense, diplomacy and development. The State Department is responsible for diplomacy and development.

“We will make clear as we go forward that diplomacy and development are essential tools in achieving the long-term objectives of the United States,” she said. “I will do all that I can, working with you, to make it abundantly clear that robust diplomacy and effective development are the best long-term tools for securing America’s future.”