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Bob Walker, NASA test director
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Stephen Payne, NASA test director
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Brian Meade, NASA test director
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Bob Holl, NASA test director.
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Michael Ciannilli, NASA test director, presents the latest Space Shuttle Status Report.
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Stephen Payne, NASA test director
Space Shuttle Status Report
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Shuttle Carrier Aircraft taking off from Kennedy Space Center
Flying Piggyback
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Liftoff of Space Shuttle Discovery
Successful Mission
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Discovery rides atop NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.
Home at Last
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Discovery atop the SCA lands at Kennedy
Discovery's Home
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Shuttle Carrier Aircraft carrying Discovery
Coming Home
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The Discovery crew gathers after the landing.
Discovery Crew Gives Thanks
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Discovery crew studies the underside of the Orbiter
Mission Completed
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Discovery lands at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
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Discovery given go-ahead for deorbit burn
Discovery OK'd for Deorbit Burn
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Map of the U.S. showing landing track for Discovery on the West coast
Discovery Diverted to California
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Mission controllers wave-off Discovery for first landing attempt on day 2
Second Day Landing Attempt
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Mission controllers wave-off Discovery's second landing attempt
Day 1: Second Waveoff
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Mission Control waves off Discovery
Day 1: First Waveoff
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STS-114 crew says goodbye to ISS crew
A Fond Farewell
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Tribute to fallen heroes
Crews Honor Fallen Explorers
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Gap filler removed
Gap Filler Removed
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View from the top of the truss
View From the Top
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Gap filler removal technique demonstration
Gap Filler Removal Demo: Two-Handed Cutting Technique
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Gap filler removal technique demonstration
Gap Filler Removal Demo: One-Handed Cutting Technique
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Gap filler removal technique demonstration
Gap Filler Removal Demo: Pulling Technique
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President Bush smiles as he waves goodbye to the crew of the space shuttle Discovery
Crew Chats with President Bush
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Spacewalker Soichi Noguchi
Second Spacewalk Highlights
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Left SRB
STS-114 Left Solid Rocket Booster Video
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View of the Nile delta
Day 6: View of the Nile delta
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Installation of a Human Research Facility
Day 6: Installation of a Human Research Facility
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Crew answers questions
Day 6: Crew Answers Questions
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Right SRB
STS-114 Right Solid Rocket Booster Video
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First spacewalk highlights
First Spacewalk Highlights 2
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STS-114 Spacewalker
Spacewalk One Activities
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STS-114 Spacewalker
First Spacewalk Highlights
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MPLM Installation
Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Installation
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Space Shuttle Pitch Maneuver Video
Space Shuttle Pitch Maneuver
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First spacewalk preparation
First Spacewalk Preparation
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Expedition 11 crew welcomes the STS-114 crew
Welcome Aboard
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Editor: Jim Wilson
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: March 5, 2006
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