Supported Employment State Grants

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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

Program Office: Rehabilitation Services Administration

CFDA Number: 84.187
Program Type: Formula Grants
Also Known As: Supported Employment for Individuals With the Most Significant Disabilities, Title VI-B State Grants

Program Description

This program provides grants to assist states in developing and implementing collaborative programs with appropriate entities to provide programs of supported employment services for individuals with the most significant disabilities who require supported employment services to achieve employment outcomes. Grant funds are administered under a state plan supplement to the Title I state plan for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services designated by each state.

Types of Projects

Supported employment grant funds are used to supplement funds provided under the state VR grants program for the costs of providing supported employment services. Program funds may be used to supplement assessments under the Title I program and supplement other VR services necessary to help individuals with the most significant disabilities find work in the integrated labor market. Funds cannot be used to provide the extended services necessary to maintain individuals in employment after the end of supported employment services, which usually do not exceed 18 months.

Additional Information

To be eligible for this current-funded formula grant program, states must submit a supplement to their Title I Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants program plan. States may carry over unobligated funds to the next fiscal year. Funds are distributed on the basis of population, except that no state receives less than $300,000, or one-third of 1 percent of the sums appropriated, whichever is greater. The minimum allotment for territories is one-eighth of 1 percent of the sums appropriated.

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Last Modified: 09/08/2008