OMB News Releases

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Analytical Perspectives Table of Contents

To download the Analytical Perspectives as a single PDF, click here. (424 pages, 3.1 mb)

List of Charts and Tables (8 pages, 117 kb)

Introduction (6 pages, 132 kb)

Performance and Management Assessments (10 pages, 225 kb)

Crosscutting Programs (146 pages, 891 kb)
     Homeland Security Funding Analysis
     Strengthening Federal Statistics
     Research and Development
     Federal Investment
     Credit and Insurance
     Aid to State and Local Governments
     Integrating Services with Information Technology
     Federal Drug Control Funding
     California-Federal Bay-Delta Program Budget Crosscut (CALFED)

Economic Assumptions and Analyses (46 pages, 546 kb)
     Economic Assumptions
     National Income and Product Accounts

Budget Reform Proposals (12 pages, 179 kb)

Federal Borrowing and Debt (16 pages, 185 kb)

Federal Receipts and Collections (92 pages, 555 kb)
     Federal Receipts
     User Charges and Other Collections
     Tax Expenditures

Dimensions of the Budget  (40 pages, 325 kb)
     Comparison of Actual to Estimated Totals
     Outlays to the Public, Gross and Net
     Trust Funds and Federal Funds
     Off-Budget Federal Entities and non-Budgetary Activities
     Federal Employment and Compensation

Current Services Estimates (20 pages, 214 kb)

The Budget System and Concepts (22 pages, 241 kb)