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NIOSH Publication No. 97-117:

Elements of Ergonomics Programs

A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders

March 1997



Description of Contents

The "tools" in this Toolbox are the assorted techniques mentioned throughout this primer for identifying, analyzing, and ultimately controlling WMSDs. Reviews of company health records, symptom surveys, or physical examinations for diagnostic purposes are "tools" to help identify musculoskeletal disorders. Similarly, checklists, time-motion analyses, and other methods used to sort job demands and workplace conditions that pose risks for musculoskeletal problems are tools. Also, information sources and other opportunities for learning more about ergonomic issues can help fill individual needs.

This Toolbox contains examples of various data gathering techniques and procedures along with reference materials for elaborating on their use. Also included are information guides and lists of reports that can prove helpful in efforts to address specific problems. The material is organized into sections or "trays." Most of the tools and techniques described are easy to use and adaptable for many purposes. Procedures are stressed that do not require special equipment or laborious data collection and analyses. Some of these tools are based on professional practice, others on scientific research, and still others on a combination of both. While few have been extensively validated and have other limitations, NIOSH has found these tools to be useful. Even with their shortcomings, they should enable readers to take some first steps in determining whether workplace conditions pose a risk of WMSDs and in suggesting remedial actions. Where problem-defining and problem-solving steps prove more formidable, referrals to sources of more in-depth information are provided throughout the Toolbox.

Tray 1.
Tray 2.
Tray 3.
Tray 4.
Tray 5.
Tray 6.
Tray 7.
Tray 8.
Tray 9.
  Tray 10.






















< Program Description   |   Table of Contents    |   Introduction >

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