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Preventing Falls
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Preventing Falls Among Seniors

CDC Publications

  • A Tool Kit To Prevent Senior Falls is a collection of fact sheets, graphs and brochures about falls and fall prevention for older adults.

  • Major Causes of Unintentional Injuries Among Older Persons: An Annotated Bibliography.
    National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. . Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1996.

  • U.S. Fall Prevention Programs for Seniors
    Selected Programs Using Home Assessment and Modification
    Among older adults, falls are a serious public health problem. In the United States, one of every three persons over age 65 falls each year and two-thirds of those who fall do so again within six months. Among people age 65 and older, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths and serious injuries. About 9,600 older adults died in 1998 from fall-related injuries. Among seniors with osteoporosis, falls can cause devastating injuries such as hip fractures; 75%–80% of hip fractures are sustained by women. Half of all older adults hospitalized for hip fracture cannot return home or live independently after their injuries.

Articles by NCIPC Authors

  • deVito CA, Lambert DA, Sattin RW, et al. Fall injuries among the elderly: community-based surveillance. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1988;36:1029-35.

  • Herndon JG, Helmick CG, Sattin RW, Stevens JA, deVito C, Wingo PA. Chronic medical conditions and risk of fall injury events at home in the elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1997;45:739-743.

  • Langlois JA, Smith GS, Nelson DE, Sattin RW, Stevens JA, deVito CA. Dependence in activities of daily living as a risk factor for fall injury events among elderly people in the community. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1995;43(3):275-8.

  • Nelson DE, Sattin RW, Langlois JA, deVito CA, Stevens JA. Alcohol as a risk factor for fall injury events among elderly persons living in the community. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1992;40(7):658-661.

  • Rodriguez JG, Baughman AL, Sattin RW, deVito, CA, Ragland DL, Bacchelli S, Stevens JA. A standardized instrument to assess hazards for falls in the home of older persons. Accident Analysis and Prevention 1995; 27(5):625-631.

  • Sattin RW. Falls among older persons: a public health perspective. Annual Review of Public Health 1992;13:489-508.

  • Sattin RW, Lambert DA, deVito CA, Rodriguez JG, Ros A, Bacchelli S, Stevens JA, Waxweiler, RJ. The incidence of fall injury events among the elderly in a defined population. American Journal of Epidemiology 1990;131:1028-37.

  • Stevens JA, Powell KE, Smith SM, Wingo PA, Sattin RW. Physical activity, functional limitations, and the risk of fall-related fractures in community-dwelling elderly. Annals of Epidemiology 1997;7:54-61.


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This page last modified on August 28, 2002.

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National Center for Injury Prevention and Control