Star Schools Program

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1992 Awards
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Cycle Three: The following six "general" projects were funded in the third (FY 1992-94) cycle:

  • Satellite Educational Resources Consortium (SERC), also a grantee in cycle one, expanded its use of technology through five new initiatives including increasing interactivity between students and on-air teachers through computer networking; expanding opportunities in mathematics and science for middle schools; enriching teacher support using distance learning technologies; creating a series of national forums involving school policymakers; and strengthening the linkages between state departments, public television entities, local schools, institutions of higher education, teacher training institutions, telecommunications companies, and other distance learning providers.

  • Educational Service District 101 (ESD 101) served a predominately rural and remote area. The project served two populations of adults and youth with special needs--those with limited English proficiency and persons who are functionally ill-prepared for the workplace. ESD 101 chose as its mission to enable students to achieve world class standards in the core subject areas by providing (a) quality instructional programming for various grade levels as well as adults, including workplace basics and skills; (b) inservice courses and teleconferences for teachers, administrators, board members, and parents; (c) technical and information support to schools; and (d) an effective evaluation plan that examined student performance and other issues.

  • The Great Lakes Collaborative, under the auspices of the Wayne County Regional Education Service Center in Michigan, has established the Education Connection Network or ECNet, a multi-technology delivery system that uses microcomputer, telecommunications, television and teleconferencing to link learning with a full spectrum of new exciting innovative instructional resources in mathematics and science. The technology enables teachers to organize and manipulate resource content to meet individual needs and learning styles. ECNet provided K-9 classrooms and schools with a host of technologies to facilitate the identification, delivery and integration of mathematics and science curriculum resources through an online, interactive database.

  • TEAMS and the Los Angeles County Office of Education continued to provide quality programming in mathematics, science, literacy and citizenship skills for students in grades 2-8, and their parents and teachers. TEAMS expanded its successful FY 90-91 effort in FY 92 by employing a variety of technologies including satellite, telephone, computer, and facsimile to support school and curriculum reform activities in urban and major metropolitan areas.

  • The Massachusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications (MCET ) continued its system of services to improve science and mathematics and included literacy education to benefit schools and community-based organizations primarily in the Northeast. The project expanded work conducted through its FY 90-91 Star Schools grant by providing support for 25 communities and developing community-wide education programs for children and adults in science, mathematics and literacy. New models of telecommunications applications were developed and shared with each of the 25 communities. MCET offered programming in languages other than English with an emphasis on providing services in non-traditional school settings.

  • The Central Educational Telecommunications Network (CETN) under the auspices of the Black College Satellite Network designed, produced, and telecast technology-based instruction for urban elementary students in grades K-6 as well as disabled students with limited English proficiency and home-bound or institution-bound students. Courses were developed in mathematics, science, history, geography, and foreign languages and included partnerships with some of the nation's cultural and scientific treasures including the Smithsonian Institution, NASA/Johnson Space Center, and the Studio Museum of Harlem.

Statewide Network Project (FY 1992-94)

  • The Iowa Distance Education Alliance under the auspices of the Iowa Public Broadcasting Board and the Iowa Department of Education linked entities throughout the state via the Iowa Communications Network (ICN), a statewide two-way full motion interactive fiber optic telecommunications network with a point of presence in each of Iowa's 99 counties. The alliance includes educators and administrators from local and state levels, postsecondary institutions and K-12 school boards. Four major activities characterize the Iowa Distance Education Alliance. First, fifteen regional partnerships were organized to plan for staff development, inservice activities and course offerings within the region and between regions. Second, a clearinghouse was established to provide quick and comprehensive access to information about interactive telecommunications and to coordinate the use of the ICN with other networks. Third, the alliance worked closely with teachers and teacher education faculty to develop a process and the materials needed to help teachers make the most appropriate use of the courses and materials provided through the project. Finally, the alliance developed and completed a comprehensive plan for research and evaluation to determine the unique contributions of the Iowa approach to distance education and to document the outcomes of the project.

Dissemination Projects (FY 1992-94)

  • Pacific Mountain Network, with the University of Utah/Utah Education Network, conducted a series of four teleconference seminars to disseminate information about distance learning primarily in four states. The seminars were designed to train teachers to use new classroom teaching resources in order to benefit undeserved learners in rural areas.

  • Through a cooperative effort between the South Carolina Educational Television Network (SCETV) and the South Carolina Department of Education, ETV Endowment of South Carolina provided dissemination and technical assistance to 71 rural and disadvantaged schools in 27 school districts not currently served by SCETV's telecommunications resources. Specific activities included identifying courses that were immediately accessible; training teachers and administrators to use satellite-delivered instruction; developing a directory of courseware; and planning a national conference.

  • The Missouri School Boards Association operates a national clearinghouse to help state and local education agencies to plan and implement distance learning systems. Education Satellite Network (ESN) Star Schools Clearinghouse ESN disseminated information nationwide about successful distance learning resources through a monthly program guide; linked educators and program producers through a computer network system; and provided technical support via a toll-free telephone line for states and local agencies interested in using distance education.

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Last Modified: 11/06/2007

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