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The Kentucky Community Partners for Healthy Farming ROPS Project logo: University of Kentucky




University of Kentucky

The Kentucky Community Partners for Healthy Farming ROPS Project : Introduction

Notebook Contents

Resource Materials
Focus and Purpose
Why the Materials Were Develop

What’s Available Now
Notebook Organization and Use
Box 1: Major Sections of the Notebook
How to Find What You Want

    Table 1: Index of Materials and Activities
    Getting the Materials and Messages to Farmers
    Who Should Use the Materials in this Notebook
    Maintaining and Updating the Notebook.
    Utility of the Notebook Materials
Box 2: Major Sections of the Notebook Activities and Materials

1. GOALS - Focus, Goals and Materials
The Problem
Project Goals and their Reasons
Community Education Materials and Activities

2. What’s the Problem?

3. MASS COM - Mass Communication Messages
Public Service Announcements
Mailing, Billing, and Check Stuffers
Posters for Public Display.......
How to Get a ROPS and Seat Belt on Your Tractor
News Articles
How to Develop Effective Mass Communication Messages

4. ACT - Activities for Farm Community Meetings
Skits About Tractors and ROP
Mr. Good Egg Farmer Simulation Exercise
My Experience with Tractor Overturns and My Story Activity
Can All Tractors Be Fitted with ROPS?
Photos of Fatal and Non-Fatal Tractor Overturns
Homemade ROPS - Should You Make Your Own?
Tractor Overturn Stories
Pause for Thought: Should You Install a ROPS Yourself? Lessons Learned
Facts About Tractor/Motor Vehicle Collisions

5. SIMS - Simulation Exercises
No Way to Meet a Neighbor
A Foggy Morning Meeting
Tommy’s Troubles
Tyler’s Ride and Tantrum
Tony’s Ride (available in Spanish)
Vicki’s Visit (available in Spanish)
Heather on Horseback (available in Spanish)
Tractors, Farm Safety and Economics

6. OTHER - Other Activities and Materials


These first pages explain the purpose, focus, and goals of the notebook materials. They also provide an overview of the materials and explain how to access and use the resources provided in the notebook.

Resource Materials

This document is a collection of resource materials for use with community safety and health education. The materials were developed and field-tested in farming communities with federal funds. The materials are not copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission.

We cannot supply you with multiple copies of the materials. Therefore, please maintain this notebook as a set of master copies. Use these master copies to duplicate and distribute the materials as needed. Additional hard copies of the complete notebook may be available in the future from NIOSH and the University of Kentucky’s Southeast Center for Agricultural Health & Injury Prevention. The INDEX section of the Kentucky ROPS Notebook web site will take you directly to an activity when the name of that activity is double clicked. Additional information about the Kentucky ROPS Project is provided on the Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention web site

As you use materials from this collection, please keep us informed about what you have used, for what purposes, and with what degree of effectiveness. Please direct additional comments or inquiries to Henry Cole by letter, telephone, or e-mail.

Henry Cole, Professor
University of Kentucky
Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention
College of Medicine
1141 Red Mile Road, Suite 102
Lexington, KY 40504-9842

Telephone 1-859-323-6836
FAX 1-859-323-1038

Focus and Purpose

The one-page chart on the next page explains the focus and purpose of the notebook materials. The top part of the page explains the problem addressed. The middle part of the page explains the project goals and the reasons these goals were selected. The bottom portion of the page describes the community education activities and materials.

The chart can be used as a handout or as part of a display. It quickly conveys the purpose and focus of the Community Partners for Healthy Farming farm safety program. This single page chart and a one-page chart of each of its three components are included as the first section of the notebook materials. These four items are useful for introducing community leaders and farmers to the nature and purpose of the program.

 (Chart) MS Word File
 (Chart) PDF File


The materials in this notebook were developed and field-tested over a three-year period with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The project was funded because tractor overturns and falling from moving tractors are the major causes of farming deaths in Kentucky as well as in many other states. Installing a tractor roll bar, or Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS), and a seat belt is a simple and cost effective way to prevent nearly all of these deaths.

The materials and activities in this notebook present stories and facts about tractor overturn injuries and deaths, their terrible costs, and their prevention by retrofitting older tractors with ROPS and seat belts or by replacing older tractors without ROPS with newer ones equipped with ROPS and seat belts. The materials also include facts about injury and death to second riders when they fall from tractors and are run over by the tractor or its trailing equipment. Strategies and actions to prevent these injury events are presented.

Why the Materials Were Developed

The occupational death rate to Kentucky farmers is about three times higher than the national average. The National Safety Council gathered data for 31 farming states and reported that tractor-related deaths averaged 33% of total farming deaths. In Kentucky 61% of farming deaths involve tractors and more than half of these tractor-related deaths are caused by tractor overturns. Only 30% of Kentucky’s farm tractors are equipped with Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS), easily installed devices that protect the tractor operator from being crushed during an overturn. During 1994-98, 103 Kentucky farmers died when their tractors overturned or when they fell off a moving tractor. Investigations suggest that 101 of these fatalities could have been prevented if the tractors had been equipped with ROPS and if the operator had been wearing a seat belt. In addition, every year more than 5,000 Kentucky farm workers are injured and require medical treatment at hospital emergency departments. Farm tractors are involved in 1,100 of these injuries. ROPS and seat belts also could prevent many of these non-fatal, but costly, injuries.

Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More

NASD Review: 04/2002

Developed by the University of Kentucky KY CPHF ROPS Project during 1996-00 with support from CDC/NIOSH Cooperative Agreements U07/CCU408035-05-2 and 06-1 and U06/CCU412900-01, -02, and -03 to the University of Kentucky, Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention.