Q Fever

2009 Case Definition

Acute Q Fever

Clinical presentation

Acute fever usually accompanied by rigors, myalgia, malaise, and a severe retrobulbar headache. Fatigue, night-sweats, dyspnea, confusion, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, non-productive cough, and chest pain have also been reported. Severe disease can include acute hepatitis, atypical pneumonia with abnormal radiograph, and meningoencephalitis. Pregnant women are at risk for fetal death and abortion. Clinical laboratory findings may include elevated liver enzyme levels, leukocytosis, and thrombocytopenia. Asymptomatic infections may also occur.

Note: Serologic profiles of pregnant women infected with acute Q fever during gestation may progress frequently and rapidly to those characteristic of chronic infection.

Clinical evidence

Acute fever and one or more of the following: rigors, severe retrobulbar headache, acute hepatitis, pneumonia, or elevated liver enzyme levels.

Laboratory evidence

Laboratory confirmed:

Laboratory supportive:

Note: For acute testing, CDC uses in-house IFA IgG testing (cutoff of ≥1:128), preferring simultaneous testing of paired specimens, and does not use IgM results for routine diagnostic testing.

Case Classification

Confirmed acute Q fever: A laboratory confirmed case that either meets clinical case criteria or is epidemiologically linked to a lab confirmed case.

Probable acute Q fever: A clinically compatible case of acute illness (meets clinical evidence criteria for acute Q fever illness) that has laboratory supportive results for past or present acute disease (antibody to Phase II antigen) but is not laboratory confirmed.

Chronic Q Fever

Clinical presentation

Infection that persists for more than 6 months. Potentially fatal endocarditis may evolve months to years after acute infection, particularly in persons with underlying valvular disease. Infections of aneurysms and vascular prostheses have been reported. Immunocompromised individuals are particularl y susceptible. Rare cases of chronic hepatitis without endocarditis, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and pneumonitis have been described.

Clinical evidence

Newly recognized, culture-negative endocarditis, particularly in a patient with previous valvulopathy or compromised immune system, suspected infection of a vascular aneurysm or vascular prosthesis, or chronic hepatitis, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, or pneumonitis in the absence of other known etiology.

Laboratory evidence

Laboratory confirmed:

Laboratory supportive:

Note: Samples from suspected chronic patients should be evaluated for IgG titers to both phase I and phase II antigens. Current commercially available ELISA tests (which test only for phase 2) are not quantitative, cannot be used to evaluate changes in antibody titer, and hence are not useful for serological confirmation. IgM tests are not strongly supported for use in serodiagnosis of acute disease, as the response may not be specific for the agent (resulting in false positives) and the IgM response may be persistent. Complement fixation (CF) tests and other older test methods are neither readily available nor commonly used.

Serologic test results must be interpreted with caution, because baseline antibodies acquired as a result of historical exposure to Q fever may exist, especially in rural and farming areas.

Case Classification

Confirmed chronic Q fever: A clinically compatible case of chronic illness (meets clinical evidence criteria for chronic Q fever) that is laboratory confirmed for chronic infection.

Probable chronic Q fever: A clinically compatible case of chronic illness (meets clinical evidence criteria for chronic Q fever) that has laboratory supportive results for past or present chronic infection (antibody to Phase I antigen).


Exposure is usually via aerosol, is broadly interpreted, and may be unknown (especially for chronic infection), but often includes the presence of goats, sheep, or other livestock, especially during periods of parturition. Direct contact with animals is not required, and variable incubation periods may be dose dependent.

See also:

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