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SHPPS 2006: School Health Program Report Card
Nebraska - State Report Cards

Physical Education and Activity (2.0)

SHPPS > State Report Cards > Nebraska



Has a state PE coordinator


Requires each district to have a PE coordinator


Requires each school to have a PE coordinator

2.2 Requires or encourages districts or schools to follow national or state PE standards or guidelines Recommends or Encourages3
2.3.1, 2.3.2, and 2.3.3 Has PE standards or guidelines based on the National Standards for Physical Education NA
Addresses the following topics in goals and objectives:
  Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools
  Achievement and maintenance of health-enhancing level of physical fitness NA NA NA
  Competence in motor skills and movement patterns to perform variety of physical activities NA NA NA
  Regular participation in physical activity NA NA NA
  Responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings NA NA NA
  Understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics NA NA NA
  Value for physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction NA NA NA
2.4 Requires that schools will teach PE Yes Yes Yes
2.5 Requires or recommends that schools give the following types of tests:
  Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools
  Written tests of knowledge Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3
  Skill performance tests Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3
  Fitness level tests Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3
2.6 Requires or recommends that districts or schools use one particular curriculum for PE Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3 Recommends or Encourages3
2.7 Provided the following information or materials for PE during the past two years:
  Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools
  Chart describing scope and sequence of instruction No No No
  Curriculum Yes Yes No
  Lesson plans or learning activities Yes Yes Yes
  List of recommended curricula Yes Yes Yes
  Plans for how to assess or evaluate students Yes Yes Yes
2.8 Specifies a maximum student-to-teacher ratio for PE classes No No No
2.9 Has specified time requirements for PE No No Yes
2.10 Requires newly hired PE teachers to have undergraduate or graduate training in PE or a related field No Yes Yes
2.11 Requires newly hired PE teachers to be certified, licensed, or endorsed by the state No Yes Yes
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2.12 Offers the following types of certification, licensure, or endorsement for PE teachers:
  Combined PE and HED for grades K-12 Yes
  Combined PE and HED for elementary school No
  Combined PE and HED for middle school No
  Combined PE and HED for high school No
  PE for grades K-12 Yes
  PE for elementary school Yes
  PE for middle school Yes
  PE for high school Yes
2.13 Provided funding for staff development or offered staff development to PE teachers during the past two years on the following topics:
  Administering or using fitness tests Yes
  Assessing or evaluating student performance Yes
  Developing and using student portfolios No
  Developing individualized physical activity plans No
  Encouraging family involvement in physical activity Yes
  Injury prevention and first aid No
  Methods for inclusion and participation of overweight children Yes
  Methods to increase amount of class time students are active Yes
  Methods to promote gender equity No
  Recognizing and responding to chronic health conditions No
  Teaching individual or paired activities or sports Yes
  Teaching movement skills and concepts Yes
  Teaching students with long-term disabilities Yes
  Teaching team or group activities or sports Yes
  Using physical activity monitoring devices Yes
  Using technology for PE Yes
2.14 Requires or recommends that elementary schools provide regularly scheduled recess Recommends or Encourages3
2.15 Prohibits or actively discourages schools from the following:
  Using physical activity as punishment for bad behavior in PE Discourages4
  Using physical activity as punishment for poor performance or bad behavior in sports Neither Prohibits nor Discourages4
  Excluding students from PE as punishment for bad behavior in another class Discourages4
  Excluding students from recess as punishment for bad behavior Discourages4
2.16 Requires student use of protective gear during the following activities:
  Physical education No
  Intramural activities or physical activity clubs No
  Interscholastic sports No
2.17 Provided funding for staff development or offered staff development to interscholastic sports coaches during the past two years through the following sources:
  State education agency No
  Any other state-level organization or agency Yes

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This publication was prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It summarizes state-level data collected from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia during the School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) 2006. SHPPS is conducted periodically to monitor the extent to which school health policies and practices are addressing the leading causes of death, illness, and social problems among young people and adults.

For additional information on SHPPS or to order SHPPS publications, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Mailstop K-33, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717; 800-CDC-INFO;


1   Numbers refer to tables in State-Level School Health Policies and Practices: A State-by-State Summary from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006, which includes information from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This document can be downloaded at
2   Unless otherwise indicated,
  Yes Yes
No No
? Incomplete Data
  NA Not Applicable
3   Requires Requires
  Recommends or Encourages Recommends or Encourages
  Neither Requires, Recommends, nor Encourages Neither Requires, Recommends, nor Encourages
  ? Incomplete Data
4   Prohibits Prohibits
  Discourages Discourages
  Neither Prohibits nor Discourages Neither Prohibits nor Discourages
  ? Incomplete Data
5   SCHIP is the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
6   WIC is the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
7   Associate’s Degree in Nursing Associate’s Degree in Nursing
  Undergraduate Degree in NursingUndergraduate Degree in Nursing Undergraduate Degree in Nursing
  Associate’s Degree in Any Field Associate’s Degree in Any Field
  Undergraduate Degree in Any FieldUndergraduate Degree in Any Field Undergraduate Degree in Any Field
  NA Not Applicable
  ? Incomplete Data
8   Undergraduate Degree in Specific Field Undergraduate Degree in Specific Field
  Master’s Degree in Specific FieldMaster’s Degree in Specific Field Master’s Degree in Specific Field
  Doctoral Degree in Specific FieldDoctoral Degree in Specific FieldDoctoral Degree in Specific Field Doctoral Degree in Specific Field
  Undergraduate Degree in Any Field Undergraduate Degree in Any Field
  Master’s Degree in Any FieldMaster’s Degree in Any Field Master’s Degree in Any Field
  Other Degree Other Degree
  NA  Not Applicable
  ? Incomplete Data
9   Yes (For Breakfast, All Schools) Yes (For Breakfast, All Schools)
  Yes (For Breakfast, Some Categories of Schools) Yes (For Breakfast, Some Categories of Schools)
  No No
  ? Incomplete Data
10   Junk foods are defined as foods or beverages that have low nutrient density, that is, they provide calories primarily through fats or added sugars and have minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals.
11   Both on School Property and at Off-Campus, School-Sponsored Events Both on School Property and at Off-Campus, School-Sponsored Events
  On School Property Only On School Property Only
  Neither on School Property nor at Off-Campus, School-Sponsored Events Neither on School Property nor at Off-Campus, School-Sponsored Events
12   Required of All Faculty and Staff Required of All Faculty and Staff
  Required of Some Faculty and Staff Required of Some Faculty and Staff
  Not Required on Any Faculty or Staff Not Required on Any Faculty or Staff
  ? Incomplete Data
13   State Offers Coverage State Offers Coverage
  State Requires Districts to Offer Coverage State Requires Districts to Offer Coverage
  State Neither Offers Coverage nor Requires Districts to Offer Coverage State Neither Offers Coverage nor Requires Districts to Offer Coverage
  ? Incomplete Data

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Page last modified: January 7, 2008
Page last reviewed: October 31, 2008
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services