National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution

Research & Collections


Scientific research in the Section is conducted by a professional staff of research biologists, curators, and specialists. Much of the research is collections-based and performed in the Museum's laboratories and collections facilities. Other research is conducted in the field where observations of the organisms in their natural habitat allows insights that would otherwise be lost. Section scientists are connected to the fabric of scientists in the Smithsonian Institution and with outside colleagues all over the world in exchanges of information and collections to allow the picture of Earth's organic layer to be described, analyzed and protected for future generations.  Links to other specialized web sites on specific animal groups.


The Palolo Spot


Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems

Neotropical Lowlands Research Program

Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy

Smithsonian Marine Station

United States Antarctic Program

Other Specialized Sites and their developers

Cephalopods in Action     Cephalopod Bibliography     Squid    Clyde Roper   

Copepods   T. Chad Walter

Crayfish Bibliography   Horton H. Hobbs, Jr.

Echinoderms  David Pawson

Isopods Brian Kensley & Marilyn Schotte

Living Fossils Jerry Harasewych

Nemerteans  Jon Norenburg

Octocoral Bibliography  Fredrick Bayer

Stony Corals  Stephen Cairns

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