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Age-Adjusted Hospital Discharge Rates for Nontraumatic Lower Extremity Amputation per 1,000 Diabetic Population, by Sex, United States, 1980�05

From 1980 through 2005, the age-adjusted rate of hospital discharge with nontraumatic lower extremity amputation (LEA) per 1,000 persons with diabetes was higher among men than among women. In 2005, the age-adjusted LEA rate among men (5.5 per 1,000 pe rsons with diabetes) was approximately twice the rate among women (2.3 per 1000 persons with diabetes).

Graph showing Age-Adjusted Hospital Discharge Rates for Nontraumatic Lower Extremity Amputation per 1,000 Diabetic Population, by Sex, United States, 1980-2005. Links for data figures, sources, methodology and data limitations, and detailed tables follow this figure.

Year Males Females
1980 5.5 3.6
1981 5.3 3.6
1982 5.4 4.3
1983 6.5 5.0
1984 7.7 6.0
1985 7.7 5.4
1986 7.4 5.1
1987 8.1 4.3
1988 8.5 4.3
1989 9.4 4.6
1990 8.0 4.6
1991 8.2 4.9
1992 7.2 4.9
1993 8.4 5.0
1994 8.8 4.6
1995 11.1 4.7
1996 12.5 4.6
1997 9.6 4.3
1998 9.2 4.1
1999 7.8 4.4
2000 7.4 3.9
2001 6.8 3.7
2002 6.5 3.2
2003 6.0 2.9
2004 5.6 2.6
2005 5.5 2.3


Methods and Limitations

Detailed Data Table

Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Health Care Statistics, data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey and Division of Health Interview Statistics, data from the National Health Interview Survey.  U.S. Bureau of the Census, census of the population and population estimates and National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, bridged-race population estimates. Data computed by personnel in the Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC.


Page last modified: September 11, 2008
Page last reviewed: March 26, 2007
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