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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

 Worker Health Chartbook > Chapter 4 > Mining > Construction Trades > Distribution of Construction Workers by Trade
Chapter 4 - High-Risk Industries and Occupations

Distribution of Construction Workers by Trade

How were construction workers distributed by major construction trade during 1992–2001?
chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-20 Average distribution of full-time construction workers by trade, 1992-2001. Among the trades monitored by CPWR, the estimated distribution of employed construction workers by trade ranged from 0.6% to 13.3% during 1992-2001. Carpenters made up the largest proportion of construction workers (13.3%), followed by construction laborers (8.8%) and electricians (5.9%). (Notes: (1) Apprentices are included for some trades when data were available. (2) All other includes managers, professionals, supervisors, clerical workers, sales personnel, and trades that each totaled less than 1% of the industry. (3) Computations were based on a definition of full-time work as 2,000 employee hours per year.) (Sources: BLS [2002c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

left arrow High-Risk Industries and Occupations - Construction Trades High-Risk Industries and Occupations - Construction Trades - Fatal Injuries right arrow