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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

 Worker Health Chartbook > Chapter 4 > Mining > Employment
Chapter 4 - High-Risk Industries and Occupations



How has the number of workers employed at surface work mining operations changed in recent years?
chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-3 Number of full-time equivalent workers at surface work locations by type of employer, 1992 and 2002. From 1992 to 2002, overall employment at surface mining work locations decreased by 8.5%, from 237,300 to 217,000. At surface locations, the number of metal operator workers decreased 44%, the number of coal operator workers decreased 28%, and the number of nonmetal operator workers decreased 21%. The number employed at surface operations increased for stone operator workers, sand and gravel operator workers, and independent contractor workers. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)


How has employment at underground mining operations changed in recent years?
chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-4 Number of full-time equivalent workers at underground work locations by type of employer, 1992 and 2002. From 1992 to 2002, the number of full-time equivalent workers at underground locations declined by 34% (from 69,300 to 46,000). The number of workers in coal operations declined 38% but still accounted for 77% of underground employment during this period. The number of metal and nonmetal operator workers also declined, whereas the number increased for stone operator workers and metal/nonmetal-independent contractor workers. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

left arrow High-Risk Industries and Occupations - Mining High-Risk Industries and Occupations - Mining - Fatal Injuries right arrow