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Facility Software:

  • IRVEN (Inpatient Rehabilitation Validation and Entry) is a computerized data entry system for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). IRVEN offers users the ability to collect the IRF Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) in a database and creates a file in CMS-standard format that can be electronically transmitted to the IRF-PAI National database. The data collected is used for assessing the clinical characteristics of patients in rehabilitation hospitals and rehabilitation units in acute care hospitals. The data will provide survey agencies with a means to objectively measure and compare facility performance and quality. It will also provide researchers with information to support the development of improved standards. The data entry software imports and exports data in standard CMS record format. The software maintains facility and patient information, enforces data integrity via rigorous edit checks, and provides comprehensive online help. It includes a data dictionary and a grouper calculation.
    • IRVEN-Production Version 2.0 (09/20/08)--in effect on October 1, 2008.
    • IRVEN--ARCHIVE--Previous versions of IRVEN are available for download.

Data Specifications:

  • IRF PAI Data Specifications (version 1.01A revision 4)--in effect on October 1, 2008
  • IRF PAI Data Specifications (version 1.01A revision 3)--in effect on October 1, 2007
  • IRF PAI Data Specifications--ARCHIVE--Previous versions are available for download.

Case Mix Grouper (CMG):

  • CMG 2.30 Version 2.30 Grouper Package--in effect on October 1, 2008
  • CMG Grouper Package--ARCHIVE--Previous versions of the CMG Grouper Package are available for download.

IRVEN- Production Version 2.0 [ZIP, 37.4MB]


IRF PAI Data Specifications (Version 1.01A, revision 4) [ZIP, 2.00MB]

IRF PAI Data Specifications (version 1.01A revision 3) [ZIP, 851kb]

IRF PAI Data Specifications (version 1.01A revision 2) [ZIP, 850kb]

IRF PAI Data Specifications--ARCHIVE [ZIP, 149kb]

CMG 2.30 Version 2.30 Grouper Package [PDF, 553kb]

CMG Grouper Package - ARCHIVE [ZIP, 422kb]

Related Links Inside CMS

PC Pricer

Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

Iowa Foundation for Medical Care

Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation

QIES Technical Support Office


Page Last Modified: 10/10/2008 8:58:54 AM
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