U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.gov
  CMS Home > Medicare > Prescription Drug Coverage Contracting > Formulary Guidance

Formulary Guidance

This page provides important information on prescription drug coverage policies under Medicare, the framework for CMS' review of Medicare prescription drug plan formularies, and instructions concerning formulary file uploads.

Click the selection that best matches your informational needs.  Please check back as we will continue to update these resources regularly.

Please note that Transition related documents have been move to the "Part D Transition" page - click the link in "Links within CMS" to access the page.

Model Guidelines and Formulary Key Drug Types (v4.0) [ZIP, 30KB]

2008 Plan Year Pricing Data Requirements and Submission Schedule (v11.20.07) [PDF, 368KB]

2009 Plan Year Pricing Data Requirements and Submission Schedule (v05.06.08) [PDF, 186KB]

Formulary Change During the Plan Year [PDF, 72KB]

2008 Formulary Reference File (v2.0) [ZIP, 275KB]

2009 Formulary Reference File (v1.0) [ZIP, 438KB]
Related Links Inside CMS

PDM Chapter 6 - Part D Drug and Formulary Requirements

Part D Transition Guidance Page

Pharmacy Formulary Guidance
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP)


Page Last Modified: 11/06/2008 12:36:06 PM
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