
u 1,500 scientific publications

u$5,500,000 in current grants & contracts annually

uThe world's longest running field experiment on atmospheric increase in CO2 affecting plant communities

uThe world's longest data record on the increase in ultraviolet (UVB) solar radiation impacting the Earth

uThe national center for research on biological invasions in marine ecosystems, & National Ballast Water Information Clearinghouse

uInternational leader in watershed research on the flow of nutrients through coastal landscapes

uThe world's largest research team analyzing mangrove forests

uCenter of excellence in dynamics of estuarine plankton, coastal algal blooms, and water quality indicators

uNational leader in the analysis of wetlands and riparian ecosystems in land use management

uLongest record of acid rain and its chemical impacts in the mid-Atlantic region

u26-year database on species composition and population dynamics of plants and animals in the Nation's largest estuary and watershed

u3,000 acre site on the shore of Chesapeake Bay

Fisheries, Water Quality: International Concern
Dr. Denise Breitburg is working with the international science and policy communities to understand and improve coastal fisheries and water quality around the globe.
Dig It: The Secrets of Soil
New exhibition at Natural History Museum dedicated to soils-hear from lead curator, soil expert Pat Megonigal.
Trouble for Oysters?
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to acidity in estuarine waters and may spell trouble for oysters...
Blue Crab Migration
Debate over new regulations on blue crab fishery in the the Chesapeake Bay can be informed by sound research.
Mercury Hot Spots
What goes into the marshes may come out more toxic. Studies at SERC examine how mercury moves through the marsh, how it transforms into the toxic organic mercury that accumulates in fish.

A New Tool for the Watershed
Rethinking how predictions of sedimentation are made.

Mangroves in the Margin
Only time and careful science will reveal the human impacst on the wetlands of the tropics.
Diggin' Around at SERC
Archaeology on site at SERC gives public a chance to dig into local history.
Chinese Mitten Crab
It's arrival in the Chesapeake Bay follows pattern of invasion.
Soil: Sink or Source
It appears that as atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) rises, microbes in soil are stimulated to release more CO2, possibly offsetting the ability of plants to absorb the excess.
Photo Bleaching in the Marsh
Predicting the effects of Ultra Violet radiation on the chemistry of marshes.
Traveling Cities and Other Concerns
SERC scientists lead an international discussion on marine invasive species in the Gulf of Mexico.
Mangroves in the Margin
Only time and careful science will reveal the human impacst on the wetlands of the tropics.
Elegant Universe in a Drop of Water
The tiny world of singe celled algae can have major impacts on human economy and health, but can we learn to control it?
Talking Trees
SERC leads establishment of forest monitoring network in North America.
Oysters and Jellies
Jellyfish may influence young oyster survival.
Alaskan Frontier
Bushwhacking through the Kenai Penninsula to find the source and check up on the health of the Alaskan Salmon.
How Herbivores May Influence Forest Nutrients
Recent findings point to importance of herbivores in forest dynamics.
Monitoring Aerosols
SERC researchers studying influence of aerosols on ultra-violet radiation from the sun that reaches the Earth.
First Study Linking Mercury Emissions to Toxin
Scientists report on a field experiment that directly links mercury emissions in the atmosphere to the toxic form that accumulates in fish and people who eat those fish.
New Visitor to the Bay
A Chinese Mitten Crab is caught in Chesapeake Bay waters and SERC scientists are investigating.
On the CO2 Trail
Twenty years of exploring plant response to increasing carbon dioxide.
Going Underground
New study in the Marsh focuses onthe role of underground processes in the story of rising carbon dioxide.
Scaling Up
Update on the Blue Crab Enhancement Project.
Oyster Research Gets Underway
Artificial reef built in the Rhode River, oster spat delivered as study gears up.
Oyster Reef for Education
The beginings of a new reef are placed in the waters around SERC education and research dock.
Tails of the Forest
How one primatologist is using high-tech tools developed at SERC
to understand primate behavior and evolution.
Form and Function
Learning how the shape of the forest effects the way it functions.
Turning the Tide
Researching the use of clay to help control Florida Red Tide.
Exploring Mercury Pollution
A scientist's quest to understand the fate of mercury in aquatic ecosystems.
Ground Truths & Green House Gases
Research reveals impact of soil on atmospheric methane, carbon dioxide.
Antarctic Expedition
Pat Neale hopes to understand impacts of UV on marine food web.
Native Species Wards off Invader
New study shows blue crab limits the spread of European green crab south of the Delmarva penninsula.
Mapping it Out
Research shows arrangement of landuse more important to healthy ecosystems than just quantity .
Supplying Invasions
New studies show that not all ships are created equal when it comes to supplying potentially invasive organisms to new environments.