
The Even Start Family Literacy Program is subject to the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The GPRA requires each agency and program to set targets for its performance; measure progress toward those targets; report on whether or not the targets have been met; and describe future strategies for continued striving toward those targets. This process is designed to improve program management, and to help Congress, the Department of Education, the Office of Management and Budget, and others review a program's progress toward its goals.

Under GPRA, the Secretary has established the following five (5) measures for evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Even Start Family Literacy Program, including the Women’s Prison Project grants:

  1. The percentage of Even Start adults who achieve significant learning gains on measures of reading/English language acquisition, as measured by the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) and the Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE);
  2. The percentage of Even Start adults with a high school completion goal who earn a high school diploma;
  3. The percentage of Even Start adults with a goal of General Equivalency Diploma (GED) attainment who earn a GED;
  4. The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Even Start programs who achieve significant gains* in oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, Receptive (PPVT – III, Receptive);
  5. The average number of letters Even Start preschool-aged children are able to identify as measured by the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Alphabet Knowledge subtask; and
  6. The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Even Start Programs who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive).

All grantees must provide information on these performance measures in the annual performance reports.

For specific requirements on grantee reporting, please go to the ED Performance Report Form 524B at

*Definition of significant gains: an increase of 4 or more standard score points between pre-and post-testing.

Last Modified: 11/29/2007