[graphic] National Historic Landmarks Program header [graphic]NPS Arrowhead and link to www.nps.gov[photo] Chrysler Building, New York[photo] Brown Chapel, Selma AL[phtoto] Cape Hatteras Light Station, Buxton, North Carolina[photo] Pioneer Deep Space Station, Fort Irwin, CA
Montpelier (James Madison House)

Orange, Virginia
County of Orange.
4 miles south of Orange on Virginia Route 20
National Register Number: 66000843
Resource type: District.
Property type: Domestic - single dwelling. The threat level was Satisfactory in
Certified Local Government: NO
This NHL offers public access.
Please contact the NHL directly for visitor information.
Current use/information: House Museum.

Statement of Significance (as of designation - December 19, 1960):
For 76 years, this was the residence of James Madison (1751-1836), fourth President of the United States (1809-1817). Madison was dubbed the "Father of the Constitution" for his pre-eminent role in the Constitutional Convention. He is buried here with his wife.

In 2000, the NHL received a Save America's Treasures grant for $1,000,000. In 2003, the Montpelier Foundation launched a complete restoration of the mansion. The project is expected to be completed in 2008.

Comments and questions about the database may be directed to NHL_info@nps.gov