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Plan Reporting and Oversight

This section contains information summarizing Part D plan sponsor responsibilities regarding fraud, waste, and abuse in the Prescription Drug Program and provides an overview of CMS reporting requirements.

Part D Reporting Requirements

Final Part D reporting requirements are posted in the downloads section of this page.

Prescription Drug Benefit Manual: Chapter 9 - Part D Program to Control Fraud, Waste and Abuse

The purpose of this manual chapter is to provide guidance for Sponsors to implement a comprehensive program to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse in the prescription drug program.

Click the selection that best matches your information needs.  Please check back, as we will continue to update these resources regularly.


CY07 Part D Reporting Requirements (v04.26.07) [PDF, 298KB]

CY07 Reporting Requirements Technical Specifications [PDF, 185KB]

CY08 Part D Reporting Requirements (v02.06.08) [PDF, 156KB]

CY08 Reporting Requirements Technical Specifications (v08.18.08) [PDF, 353KB]

Prescription Drug Benefit Manual: Chapter 9 - Fraud, Waste and Abuse (v04.25.06) [PDF, 543KB]
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Page Last Modified: 01/21/2009 7:55:15 AM
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