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Education & Training

Billing Information for SNFs is available in chart form below under "Downloads." This chart links information on type of service to the appropriate billing information, as well as citing the relevant CMS manual reference(s). While excerpted from Medicare Billing Information for Rural Providers, Suppliers, and Physicians, this chart can stand alone. The booklet also covers rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers, home health agencies, and critical access hospitals. If you are interested in the entire rural health resource, you can obtain it in print format from the Medicare Learning Network. To place your order, scroll down to "Related Links Inside CMS" and select "MLN Product Ordering Page." On the ordering page, the publication appears under the heading "Rural Health," with the order number ICN # 6762. The informational resource on different types of Medicare billing information is also available in its entirety below under "Downloads."

Web Based Training on SNF Consolidated Billing is available on our CMS website. The training course covers general information about SNFs, consolidated billing, excluded services, consolidated billing during a noncovered stay, and "under arrangement" agreements. After taking the course, you should be able to identify SNF coverage guidelines, understand why Congress enacted consolidated billing, describe consolidated billing, recognize situations in which SNF consolidated billing requirements do not apply, identify services excluded from consolidated billing, identify services included under consolidated billing for beneficiaries in a noncovered stay, and understand the need for "under arrangement" agreements between SNFs and other providers or suppliers. You can link to this Web Based Training course below at Related Links Inside CMS.

A SNF Prospective Payment System (PPS) fact sheet is available on our CMS website. The SNF PPS fact sheet covers rates and consolidated billing. You can link to the fact sheet below under Related Links Inside CMS.

Print copies can be ordered from the Medicare Learning Network Product Ordering Page found below under Related Links Inside CMS. On the MLN Product Ordering Page, scroll down to Medicare Payment Policy. The title of the fact sheet is Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System, and the order number is ICN# 6821.

CMS Manual System

Skilled Nursing Facility PPS Manual


SNF PPS and Consolidated Billing Training Guide

Introduction -- Introduction: Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing Update

Chapter I -- Clinical Criteria

Chapter II -- Billing and Processing Issues

Chapter III -- History and Part-A Requirements, Intermediary Requirements, and Carrier Requirements

Chapter IV -- Tools of the Trade

Chapter V -- Reference Material


Swing Bed Manual - Revised June 2005: These changes are effective June 15, 2005 (See Download section below)


We have completed an update to the MDS manual, and it has been posted on our web site at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MinimumDatasets20.

We had planned to integrate the swing bed manual into this new MDSE manual. However, in reviewing the comments on the draft, the consensus was that it would be better to keep the two manuals separate. We agreed and deleted the swing bed sections from the updated MDSE version.

Of course, the swing bed hospitals are still subject to the same MDS coding requirements as the nursing facilities. For this reason, we are reviewing and updating the Swing Bed Manual to make sure it reflects any new information included in the December 2002 edition of the MDSE Manual.

Billing Information for SNFs [PDF, 35kb]

Swing Bed Manual - Revised June 2005 [PDF, 1.37 mb]: These changes are effective June 15, 2005

List of Changes to the Swing Bed Manual - Revised June 2005 [PDF, 50Kb]

Swing-Bed PPS Presentation [ZIP, 498 kb]

Swing Bed Minimum Data Set (SB-MDS) Assessment Schedule [PDF, 152 kb]

RUG-III V5.12 - Descriptors For SB-MDS 2.0 [PDF, 150 kb]
Related Links Inside CMS
Medicare Billing Information for Rural Providers, Suppliers, and Physicians

SNF PPS Manual

Medlearn Matters Articles

Minimum Data Set 2.0

MLN Product Ordering Page

SNF PPS Fact Sheet

Web Based Training Including SNF Consolidated Billing

Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy


Page Last Modified: 01/12/2009 3:19:24 PM
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