New Center Director Announced
Archived Information

I am pleased to announce the return of our colleague Dr. Diane McCauley. Diane returns from a detail working in the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. I have asked Diane to serve as the new Director for the Center for Rural Education.

Previously, Diane worked with the Office of the Secretary and the Office of Special Education Programs. Prior to coming to the Department, she served with the U.S. Department of Justice, in the offices of the National Institute of Justice and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Clearly, Diane brings multiple experiences in education policy and practice that will enrich our ability to better serve children, their families, and educators who live in rural areas.

Diane holds undergraduate degrees in English and Business and Management from the University of Maryland, a Master's degree in English from Saint Louis University, and a Ph.D. in Education, from the American University, where she specialized in the areas of educational equity and technology in education. Her career also includes university teaching positions and certification as an online instructor.

As Director for the Center for Rural Education, Diane will serve as the liaison for rural education issues for the Department. Please join me in congratulating Diane on her new role, in serving the education needs of rural populations.

Diane and I look forward to working with you to increase access and information about No Child Left Behind, the President's American Competitive Initiative, and the Secretary's work to promote higher education reform.


Troy R. Justesen
Assistant Secretary

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Last Modified: 10/10/2006

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